Self-Love Day - 13th February

Uncategorized Feb 09, 2022

We spend so much of our lives focusing on the love that we get from others that we forget to focus on the love that we have for ourselves. In fact, do we even consider this?


When I was a young girl people would say ‘who do you think you are?’ or ‘she loves herself too much’. I believe that society teaches us to be small, not to love ourselves, to be seen and not heard and then when we reach adulthood we have to learn how to love ourselves from the inside out! Let me tell you, from personal experience… it is not easy!


Here are a few tips to use to check-in on your own self-love..


Do you carve out time in your day to make sure that you are able to have some ‘alone’ time?

Have you considered what self-love really is?
How do you know when you are there?

Are there times in your day, week, month when you feel like you love yourself less than you could?


The saying goes How can you expect someone else to love you when you don’t love yourself?’


How do you show yourself that you love YOU?
Some of us like to go for massages, some of us go to the gym, some of us eat great food, some of us remind ourselves to be kind to us…


How do you show yourself, self-love?

Are you consciously aware of what you do? 

Have you already started on your self-love journey?

Do you know that setting intentions of self-love can enable your brain to find ways of loving yourself more?

I recently went through some personal challenges and what happened? I quickly dropped into old patterns of self-criticising and self-shaming, well that behaviour can just do one!


We all have times in our lives when we are faced with challenges and the first thing to fall by the way side is our self-love rituals. Well this is your reminder that you need to put your own oxygen mask on first. You are the most important person in your life – yep even if you’re a Mumma.. you come first.


Tell me what you are going to commit to this week to be more loving to yourself…?


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