Creating Realistic Healthy Habits and Rituals for 2021

Uncategorized Dec 29, 2020

Now the merriments of Christmas are done and dusted… it is time to think about what you want to create for yourself and your life in this coming year!

I love this time of year as I always take time to reflect, plan and think about what it is that I want to create for myself and my life. This always includes some health and fitness goals.

Now of course we like to look great, which makes our health and fitness goals so important. However, I love to feel strong, not just in my body but in my mind too. 

Without my mindset in its right, powerful and creative place, I know that I would not be able to achieve everything that I want to achieve in the year, this means that I would not be living to my full potential and that would get right on my nerves!

Can you relate?

We are all so very unique yet we are very similar as a species. The mind/body connection means when we take care of our bodies, our minds work better, we have more clarity, we are more efficient and we are more emotionally balanced too, not to mention the increase in the productivity levels. 

It’s not that one visit to the gym; it’s daily gym visits, workout sessions and meal prep that gives you the beach body. So, to get to where we want to be it’s vital that we break our big goals down into small goals that are broken down again into manageable daily actions which over time become habits and rituals.

I like to use this analogy:

If you think about running a marathon in a year, you know that in 6 months you have to run 7.5 miles, that means that in 3 months you need to easily run almost 4 miles.

So, then you can break this down so that you can work out what you have to achieve this coming month to get you to where you want to be next year. From there you work backwards and ask yourself this; “what do I need to do this week to get myself to where I want to be by the end of the month?”

AND VOILA…! You have your weekly goals right there. You can then once a week write down what you need to do. I like to do this on a Sunday evening so that my week can be organised and planned - with a little bit of flexibility thrown in.

Here are some quick fire tips and tools to help you to create some powerful healthy daily rituals and habits:

  • WRITE IT DOWN – Write your larger goals down, so that you can break them down like I explained above, from there you write down your weekly goals and then your daily goals.


  • GET CLEAR – Your goals need clarity. You have got to get precise with what you want. EXACTLY what do you want!


  • KEEP IT CONSISTENT – It takes 66 days to create a new habit, (not the 21 days that was previously thought) so commit to 66 days at least and this will create a habit.


  • DROP IT OUT – There may be unhelpful habits or even people that you need to drop out of your life to make room for these new sexy habits.


  • ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE – This is my answer to most things. Be grateful for the new found healthy habits that you have created! Every. Single. Day. Therefore, you get to manifest them even more powerfully! Whoop!


  • TICK EVERYTHING OFF- When you are moving through your daily targets, have the pleasure of ticking them off physically, ONE BY ONE. This will massively help you with your motivation and have you feeling even more determined.


  • PICTURE THIS – Picture yourself having created the new healthy habits and how you will look and feel in 3 months time and then in 6 months time too. Visualise yourself every single day and really enjoy the experience.


  • AT THE END OF THE DAY – Before you sleep go over your 5 wins in your head, end your day on a high even if things haven’t been as good as you’d have hoped. Very often we are focused on the stuff that we haven’t done or achieved and we forget what we have done.


REMEMBER – You deserve the best.

You are worth making these changes for.

This is your life, your body and you get one shot at it!




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