The Highs of Sobriety

Uncategorized Jun 14, 2022

I did something that I never in a million years thought I would ever do..


I stopped drinking alcohol and stayed alcohol-free for a WHOLE YEAR!


I can’t believe I am writing this as anyone who knows me well, knows that I would love a nice glass of wine with dinner and I was partial to a gin and tonic too!


When I was younger I was a party girl who loved a social and crazy night out! Now, as a health and wellbeing coach I started to feel like I wasn't living my authentically and after a particularly heavy night I woke up riddled with anxiety. I am the founder of The Anxiety Release Method. I help my clients to heal their own anxiety super quickly so when I woke feeling those old familiar, horrendous feelings of anxiety I knew I couldn't be a person who was not walking her talk.


Luckily, I had a a few close friends who had also gone sober and I’d connected with Matt Pink, who is a sober coach. These people were super supportive and I made a commitment to give it up. Check out mine and Matt's chat here..


Now I would love to tell you that it was super easy but I would be lying. There has been some really challenging times. In the UK, our social lives seem to be based around eating and drinking or boozy nights at the bar, well certainly in my family they are! So, I set about changing many things about my life, even some friends have changed.  


In the last 12 months I have grown so much as a person, as a Coach, a partner, an entrepreneur and a mum.


If you are on instagram, I invite you to listen to some of the ways that I have grown. This is probably the most profound thing I have done for my own growth. I see things very differently now compared to the drinking version of myself. Not that I was a huge drinker, but I have realised that I did grab a G & T when I was stressed and wanted to relax and now I have different coping strategies.


I am so much better, I am fitter than I have been in a long time. My weight is where I like it. I am more focused, more present, less dramatic (always a bonus) and I am really getting to where I want to be business-wise. I can honestly say that I have never been more fulfilled in my life.


As they say ‘It’s not easy, but it’s worth it’.


If you have any questions about my journey please drop me a message and I will happily answer.


Love & light,




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