Rebirth Yourself!

Uncategorized Jan 09, 2022



What is it?


Rebirth is arriving in your physical body, feeling supported, connected, strong and healthy.

Rebirth is new beliefs, ones which will hold you in good stead when working on your goals and enable you to power through any setbacks.

Rebirth is discovering who you identify yourself to be and aligning your beliefs, behaviours, thoughts and habits to that which you want to become. It is powerful in every way. Rebirth with me and you get to have fun whilst you are doing it!


It is time that you allowed yourself to ‘rebirth’. 

What do you want to bring forth into the next part of your life? 

How would your life look if you were everything that you wanted to be?


I present to you:

’Rebirth Retreat’.

21st-24th January 2022, Oakmead, Sharnbrook.

I was in deep meditation when I was given the name ‘Rebirth’ for my retreat. I use so many healing modalities from yoga and meditation, nutrition and mindfulness, hypnotherapy, sound healing and breath work. Then there is soul aligned coaching and visualisation so when I created this retreat it was so much more than a yoga retreat, it is so much more than a wellness ‘reset’ retreat. This retreat is a powerful game changer which will help you to fulfil your soul’s calling, to love yourself more, to create more and to honour your amazing physical body on a deeper level.


Rebirth is more than starting a new, it's about going deeper and reconnecting to your soul on this new level.  An opportunity to stop, take a new vantage point and look at yourself and your life. This enables you to make sure that you are moving in the right direction, where you feel totally aligned to who you are and what your purpose is. Not the direction that society has told you to go in and not the direction that well-meaning friends and family have guided you towards.


When you live in total connection with your mission, your goals, your authentic self and your integrity there is no room for anxiety.  There is no room for fear or self judgment. Focus on who you are and what you are here to do.


Because let me tell you, life happens. We have crap come at us in ways that we never thought about. We sabotage. We hold ourselves back through fear of failure or even success and then, we eat, or drink, or spend too much time on the phone or watching TV.  Then we fall even deeper into the hole.  We succumb to programming that teaches us that we are not good enough, we are not worthy, we don’t deserve the good stuff, we are unlovable, and we procrastinate, or even stop. These patterns are not exclusive to you my love, we all do them.

The time is now!  

Rebirth yourself!


50% Complete

Two Step

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